Blog Post

The path of virtue

June 23rd
"I take refuge in thy arms [St. Joseph],
so that thou mayest lead me in the the path of virtue.”
-St. Clement Mary Hofbauer
Today’s Reflection:
Do you take refuge in St. Joseph?
Pray this Prayer of Confidence in St. Joseph today:
With childlike confidence I present myself before thee, O holy Joseph, faithful foster father of Jesus! I beg thy compassionate intercession and support in this, my present necessity. [Name your petition.]
I firmly believe that thou art most powerful near the throne of God, who chose thee for the foster father of his well-beloved son, Jesus Christ. O blessed Saint, who saved that treasure of heaven, with his virginal mother, from the fury of his enemies, who with untiring industry supplied his earthly wants and with paternal care accompanied and protected him in all the journeys of his childhood, take me also, for the love of Jesus, as thy child. Assist me in my present difficulty with thy prayers before God. The infinite goodness of our savior, who loved and honored thee as his father upon earth, cannot refuse thee any request now in heaven.
How many pious souls have sought help, from thee in their needs and have experienced, to their joy, how good, how ready thou art to assist. How quickly thou dost turn to those who call upon thee with confidence! How powerful thou art in bringing help and restoring joy to anxious and dejected hearts! Therefore, do I fly to thee, O most worthy father of Jesus, most chaste spouse of Mary! Good St. Joseph, I pray thee by the burning love thou hadst for Jesus and Mary upon earth, console me in my distress and present my petition, through Jesus and Mary, before the throne of God! One word from thee will move him to assist my afflicted soul. Then most joyfully shall I praise him and thee, and more earnest shall be my thanksgiving! Amen.

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