As many of you know, Pope Francis has declared a Year of St. Joseph. Who better to intercede for the entire world, as chaotic as it is right now, than St. Joseph? If you have not yet read the Holy Father's letter, you can do so here. In it, he highlights the critical role St. Joseph played and still plays, in salvation history.
St. Joseph is also highlighted in the book, The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare, which we use weekly for our Rosary Crusade meditations. On page 114, we are reminded of his strength, virtue, and faithfulness in his mission as foster father of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
"One of our most formidable battle partners is St. Joseph, husband of the Mother of God and foster father of the Messiah. An icon of righteousness, he exemplified the virtues to a superlative degree. As the Litany of St. Joseph attests, he was 'Joseph most just,… most chaste,… most prudent,… most strong,… most obedient,… most faithful.' These virtues were the armor and weaponry he used to protect the Holy Family. And he used them well: The litany calls him 'Terror of demons'!"
Let us "Go to Joseph" in these turbulent times. Let his name be on our lips and in our hearts. Pope Francis concludes his letter with this beautiful prayer for St. Joseph's intercession. May he intercede for us throughout this new year of Our Lord, 2021.
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.
Please join us every Wednesday at 4PM ET as we call upon the intercession of St. Joseph! You may wish to re-register as we noticed that Zoom dropped quite a few of you off of our list.
Pick up your weapon, the Rosary, and pray with us today! Click the image below to join and if you've already registered, you should receive a reminder link directly from Zoom. Please be sure to share the information below with your friends and family!