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Anti-Porn Week Starts Sunday!

October 30 to November 6, 2011 marks the 24th annual White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) campaign which is designed to raise awareness about the scourge of pornography.

Morality in Media, a grassroots organization that has been fighting obscenity for decades, is sponsoring the event and is asking every American concerned about the flood of pornography that is pouring into our nation's communities, homes, and children's minds to participate in WRAP Week.

There are a variety of ways that you and your family can participate:

1.  Wear or display a White Ribbon during WRAP Week. You can wear a ribbon on your lapel, tie it on a car antenna, display it on your front door or wrap them around a tree in the front yard. When people see the ribbon, they'll ask why you're wearing or displaying it and this will be a perfect opportunity to speak to them about the problem of pornography.

2.  Distribute copies of What You Can Do to Combat Pornography to family and friends.

3.  Write a letter to your state prosecutor or local police department to enforce obscenity laws.

4.  Ask your pastor or other religious leader to address the pornography problem in your church. Sample prayers and sermons are available here. 

“Few parents are aware that the average age of a child’s exposure to pornography is now nine years old," explained Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute at Concerned Women for America.

"Also, few parents realize that pornography is now much more than simple cleavage or sexy photos; pornography is now mostly graphic and degrading and often crude and cruel. Psychologists tell us that images are permanently imprinted on the mind and that it can become addictive. We know that more and more men are substituting pornography for real relationships and that, increasingly, pornography is setting the pattern for what young men expect from their dates.”

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President of Concerned Women for America, said, “The idea that pornography is victimless is an insidious lie from the industry. Addicted men and their families are devastated, and the women in the industry are victimized and exploited.”

The first WRAP Week campaign was the inspiration of Norma Norris in 1987 who heard a sermon about the problem and “lamented that local prosecutors and law enforcement had been deluded into thinking that people didn’t care about the hardcore porn being sold in her community.”

She decided to show the community that people did care about this enormous problem and should no longer ignore it. Shortly thereafter, Morality in Media began to sponsor WRAP Weeks every year to “educate the public about the extent of the pornography problem and what can constitutionally be done about it.”

To learn more about this problem, visit the Morality in Media website.

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