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Birth Control Now Delivered to Your Door?

woman taking pillCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

With all the ranting and raving about how only Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare can keep women supplied with free, no-hassle birth control pills, did you know that women are now able to have it delivered right to their door? is reporting on the latest site to offer birth control home delivery service. It’s called, which is described as a “online birth control support network for women” ages 18 to 29 that is operated by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

Shape writer Lauren Mazzo calls it the “Seamless of contraception” that enables a woman to plug in her zip code and instantly see a list of services that will deliver the pill right to her door.

“That's right—no more missing a pill because you couldn't get to the pharmacy before closing time, having anxiety about the store clerk judging you for buying Plan B, or freaking out because you'll be out of town when you're supposed to pick up your next pack.”

Wow. What a hassle. Maybe these gals need to learn how to use the Reminder app on their cell phones so they can make it to the store in time like the rest of us. And if they're so worried about what the clerk might think about buying Plan B, maybe they ought to rethink their behavior because it’s obviously making them feel guilty.

Mazzo goes on to reassure that “this doesn't just exist to make your life easier (because, TBH, the hassle of waiting in line at a pharmacy is a total first-world problem)” and cites statistics from the pro-abortion National Campaign about how millions of women have no access to a health care facility or pharmacy within 60 minutes of their homes.

"Millions of women don't have ready access to contraception, either due to not having a convenient local provider that offers the full range of birth control methods or not having the time or transportation to get to a pharmacy," said Ginny Ehrlich, CEO of The National Campaign, in a release.

So it’s a bit more nuanced than just having no clinic or pharmacy within 60 minutes of their home. It’s about not having a “convenient local provider that offers the full range of birth control methods" near one's home.

And for those who don’t have the time or transportation to get to a pharmacy, they’ve been able to get their prescription sent to their home for some time now. is just the latest to jump on the at-home-birth-control-delivery bandwagon. currently ships free birth control pills in 10 states with the goal of reaching all 50 states soon. currently does the same in six states. ships medications, including birth control pills, to 49 states.

It’s true that there are several million women in America who are still in need of quality reproductive health care, there are tens of millions who have all that they need, and then some.

Whether they intend to do so or not, the laziness of the gals in this latter group who want everything free, fast and friendly, are inadvertently creating all kinds of new services that amount to even more reasons why we don’t need Planned Parenthood.

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