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Bodies of “DC Babies” Temporarily Spared

After a two-year investigation into the suspicious deaths of five aborted infants whose bodies were recovered from a Washington DC abortion clinic, authorities have agreed to scrap plans to cremate the remains before autopsies can be performed.

According to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) , they were on the brink of filing a lawsuit demanding that the infants’ remains be preserved for investigation and proper burial when officials agreed to forego their plans to cremate the bodies. They also promised to respond to demands from Congress to fully investigate the deaths of these children.

The battle over the remains of these babies has been raging since March 25, 2022 when members of the pro-life activist group, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), intercepted several boxes of medical waste that were being loaded onto a truck outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington DC, a clinic operated by the late-term abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo. The driver, who was operating a Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services truck, agreed to give PAAU members one of the boxes which they took to the apartment of Lauren Handy, PAAU’s director of activism.

They told the National Catholic Register that what they found inside the box was a “completely soul-crushing experience.” It was filled with 110 small turquoise-colored plastic containers that each contained the remains of a tiny, first-trimester unborn baby. In addition, they found an inner plastic bag that contained five larger plastic containers which contained the bodies of late-term infants.

One baby, who they named Christopher X, was whole and large enough to have been born alive. However, the brain had been suctioned out of its head and the skull collapsed and crushed. Another of the larger infants was “severely and brutally dismembered” while a third infant, whom they named Phoenix, was still inside its amniotic sac.

Although DC abortion laws are some of the most liberal in the country and allow abortion up to the point of birth, the babies bodies bore evidence of late-term abortion procedures which are against federal law.

For this reason, Handy and the PAAU contacted their lawyer who demanded that an investigation be conducted to determine if federal laws had been violated regarding the five larger infants found in the box.

The bodies of the 110 smaller infants were eventually given a proper funeral by a priest in an undisclosed private cemetery, but the five bodies remained in DC Metropolitan Police custody while Congress and pro-life groups battled over demands that an autopsy be performed.

“Instead of ensuring that the horrific deaths of these children were properly investigated, Metropolitan Police made the assumption that each child died as the result of a legal abortion,” said a letter signed by 23 members of Congress and sent to the DC police. “It is our understanding that the Metropolitan Police made this assumption without conducting any medical evaluations. We also understand from press reports that the D.C. medical examiner does not plan to perform autopsies on the children. This is completely unacceptable. While other horrific methods of abortion unfortunately remain legal for the time being, killing a child through a partial-birth abortion is a crime under federal law.”

Despite the fact that DC law requires medical autopsies after mysterious deaths, nothing was done for two years to determine how these infants died. Finally, on February 5, the DC medical examiner’s office told PAAU’s legal counsel that they were advised by the Department of Justice to destroy the bodies by cremation by the end of the week. It was then that the ACLJ decided to intervene.

“The ACLJ was preparing to file an emergency writ of mandamus on behalf of our client to force D.C. officials to follow the law and allow for the proper burial of these babies,” the ACLJ reports. “We contacted D.C. one final time in an attempt to resolve this issue and delay action on the disposition of the remains of these babies before we filed our lawsuit. We have just received assurances that the D.C. government is standing down from today’s cremation. What this means is that we were successful in preventing the Biden DOJ and D.C. from destroying the evidence of potential crimes and from simultaneously blocking the honoring of these young lives with a proper burial.”

Although this matter is temporarily on hold, we must continue to pray that justice will be served on behalf of these innocent victims.

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