
Blog Posts

Little Did I Know The Spiritual Reality of Yoga

by Linda Carl

I was deeply immersed in yoga for almost 20 years. Once I began to discover the many hidden truths, I stopped teaching and never looked back. As Jesus says “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

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Christian Yoga is Syncretism

SA writes: "I am in a dilemma...I have spoken personally to my Parish Priest about my concerns about [Christian] Yoga taking place now 3 times a week in our community hall. Some parishioners attend the yoga sessions. I have prayed for about 3 years to see yoga removed, to no avail... I personally know the dangers of Yoga, having practised it for about 3 years, but have renounced and confessed my taking part in yoga. Nobody seems to be bothered... Can you please give me some guidance, I do not know what to do now..."

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Superbrain Yoga

Jackie sent us a link about SuperbrainYoga®  "I know you have spoken on your broadcast before about how dangerous yoga is and how all the positions reflect some sort of praise to a false god. Does that include this Superbrain Yoga®? Or are they just calling this yoga, but it's really just an exercise for the brain. I would love to try it, because I have a lot of trouble with my memory and focusing, but I don't want to try it if it is only a gate into spiritual darkness."

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What Does the Book of Maccabees Teach Us About the Yoga Debate?

                                           The martyrdom of Eleazar

Today’s first reading was from the second book of Maccabees where a courageous man of God named Eleazar chose death rather than cause scandal by pretending to eat forbidden meat. What does this Scripture teach us about the heated debates surrounding yoga, mindfulness, centering prayer, and a variety of other practices that originate in non-Christian religions?

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But My Friend Was Converted in a “Christian” Yoga Class!

We recently received a scathing letter from a Holy Yoga instructor who took us to task for our position against the practice of “Christian yoga.” She believes that because a man in her class asked her to help him accept Jesus as his savior, this proves that God is working in her classes. Is this true? Yes! But not for the reasons she thinks . . .

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Are Schools Souring on Yoga?

Introducing yoga into public schools isn't happening without a fight - and Increasing complaints from parents and accusations that schools are endorsing religious practices is beginning to have an effect on programs across the country.

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