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Catholic College Upholds Church Teaching

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   Administrators at Stonehill College, a Catholic institution, recently defended Church teaching when they stopped a student from distributing birth control on campus. The incident occurred last month when Katie Freitas, a senior at Stonehill, became frustrated with the college’s refusal to distribute birth control and decided to take matters into her own hands.  After collecting hundreds of free condoms from two family-planning agencies, she and about 20 classmates placed boxes of the contraceptives in student dormitories across the campus. When school administrators heard about the condoms, they quickly intervened and collected the condoms, citing the college's ban against distributing birth control on campus. "We're a private Catholic college," Martin McGovern, a spokesman for Stonehill, told the Boston Globe. "We make no secret of our religious affiliation, and our belief system is fairly straightforward. We don't expect everyone on campus to agree with our beliefs, but we would ask people, and students in particular, to respect them." Freitas, who said she is not Catholic, said she decided to make condoms available because “college students are going to have sex, and they should be encouraged to have safe sex.” School authorities, however, refused to capitulate and upheld the right to their Catholic identity. “Stonehill College should be commended for its swift and clear affirmation of the moral values that parents and students expect at a Catholic institution,” Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) President Patrick J. Reilly told CNS is dedicated to renewing and strengthening Catholic identity at America's Catholic colleges and universities. "Chastity must always be a cornerstone of student life at any Catholic college, and permitting the distribution of condoms on campus would surely have undermined this core value," said Reilly. "I congratulate Stonehill on behalf of the more than 20,000 members of The Cardinal Newman Society." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.