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DHS Employee Caught Advocating Race War

A man employed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government has been advocating for the mass murder of white people on his personal website. is reporting that Ayo Kimathi told his supervisors he had a personal website which was used to sell concert and lecture videos. The department, which is in charge of protecting America's security, apparently never verified this explanation because the site has recently been discovered to be blatantly inflammatory.

Called, "War on the Horizon," it declares that “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The site also calls President Obama a “treasonous mulatto scum dweller,” and an enemy of the black supremacist movement, along with Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, and Condoleezza Rice. It also claims that whites are attempting to “homosexualize” black men to somehow make them weaker, and therefore easier targets for racism.

Kimathi, who is employed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a division of DHS, was required to obtain permission before engaging in any outside activities such as a second job or volunteering, which he did, but only by misrepresenting the true nature of his website activity.

“He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the SPLC report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.”

Unfortunately, no one ever checked to see what he was really up to in his private life.

"Everybody in the office is afraid of him," said one of his former supervisors, who claimed that his co-workers "are afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal."

The supervisor, who was not named in the SPLC report claimed to be “astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

As of this writing, it is not known what kind of disciplinary action will be taken against Kimathi.

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