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Dolan: Church Must be More Welcoming to Homosexuals

During interviews with the major media on Easter Sunday, New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan said that while Church teaching on sexuality is unchanging, it must do a better job of welcoming homosexual men and women.

When asked if he thought the Church needed to change its teachings, Dolan said no, but “we’ve got to do better to see that our defense of marriage is not reduced to an attack on gay people. . . . And I admit, we haven’t been too good at that. We try our darnedest to make sure we’re not an anti-anybody.”

He was then asked what he would say to homosexual men and women who felt excluded from the Church.

“Well, the first thing I’d say to them is: ‘I love you, too. And God loves you. And you are made in God’s image and likeness. And — and we — we want your happiness. But — and you’re entitled to friendship. But we also know that God has told us that the way to happiness, that — especially when it comes to sexual love — that is intended only for a man and woman in marriage, where children can come about naturally.”

Later, while speaking with Schieffer, he admitted that Church teachings make it hard to stay relevant in this day and age.  "How to remain faithful to what we believe are God-given, revealed, settled, unchanging principles without losing our people, who more and more question them. . . "

He added: "I think what we can’t tamper with what God has revealed but we can try to do better in the way we present them with more credibility and in a more compelling way.”

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