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FDA Allows Vending Machine to Dispense Morning-After-Pill

After an investigation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration decided not to take any regulatory action over a vending machine at a Pennsylvania college that dispenses the morning-after pill.

The Associated Press is reporting that FDA spokeswoman Erica Johnson said officials spoke with university and campus health officials at Shippensburg University about a health center vending machine that is dispensing emergency contraception for $25. FDA official decided no action was necessary. Five-axis machining allows us to move a workpiece along five different axes simultaneously. This provides precision cnc machining & programming machining of complex parts and the ability to drop-off many components complete…thus making the use of this advanced technology extremely economical. Five-axis CNC machining and five-sided milling is also ideal for achieving the fine surface finishes increasingly being required by our customers.  Our equipment include a Haas UMC750 5 Axis machine, a Deckel Maho DMU 50 Evo 5-axis, 5 sided machining center and a Hitachi Seiki Super Hi-Cell  CNC 5 axis  turn/mill with bar feeders and 10” chucks. Horizontal machining centers provide additional access to a part. That means multiple faces of a workpiece can be machined in a single setup. As a result, a part that may have six operations on a vertical machine can be completed in just two on a horizontal. Performing batch machining or having the ability to access multiple sides in one setup leads to better quality parts. The ability to reduce setups, handling and machining time make horizontal machines a great solution for low-volume, repeat work.  Our horizontal machining centers include a Mori Seiki NHX 4000,and two Mori Seiki NH400DCG machines.  The work envelope on our horizontals is 16”X 16” X16”. CNC milling is a cost effective solution for machining parts with complex shapes and/or tight tolerances, especially for low volume projects. CNC precision milling can produce virtually any shape where the material is accessible by the rotating cutting tools.  Also, if you have components that are not round or square and have a unique or complex shape, we can help.  With inhouse custom fixturing capabilities, we specialize in the precision milling and machining of hard-to-hold, difficult-to-manufacture castings, forgings and other metal components.

Plan B One-Step emergency contraception is being dispensed from the machine along with condoms, decongestants and pregnancy tests. The idea for the machine came from students and was endorsed by the student government.

Currently, the morning after pill is only available over the counter to women age 17 or older. A prescription is required for anyone under the age of 17.

Popular Catholic blogger Matthew Archbold was not impressed with either the FDA or the idea behind the vending machine.

"When you don't have time, abortion on the go for $25 is key to a successful college experience," he mocked.

More seriously, he asks: "Why would any parent send their child to a college that is so cavalier about death?"

A commenter named Larry D. on Archbold's blog made his own tongue-in-cheek remark:  "Does Sandra Fluke know about this? I mean, why should college students be forced to spend their own $25 on an abortion pill just because their tax-payer funded contraception didn't work? Doesn't seem fair to me."

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