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Former Head of Planned Parenthood Diagnosed with Terminal Cancer

(Photo courtesy of WikiCommons, Lorie Shaull, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Cecile Richards, who headed Planned Parenthood for 12 years, has been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an incurable brain cancer which has a survival rate of just 15 months.

According to a glowing report appearing on The Cut, Richards, 66, who headed Planned Parenthood from 2006 to 2018, was on a family vacation with her family in Maine when she suddenly forgot how to write. Her husband, Kirk Adams, immediately drove her back to New York where doctors discovered a brain tumor.

Ironically for the woman who spent years promoting the “right” to abort babies up to the point of birth, at the same time as her surgery, her eldest daughter, Lily, was in the process of delivering Richards’ first grandchild.

As Richard joked to The Cut, “Teddy is getting hair, and I’m losing it.”

Even while getting twice-weekly infusions in a clinical trial at Sloane Kettering, she’s still actively fighting for abortion rights, talking to politicians and organizers, and working on a chatbot named Charley that women can use to find information on where to end their pregnancies. She brags about how the bot, whose name is meant to be of an indeterminate gender, had 16,000 visits in its first four months.

During her tenure as CEO of the nation’s largest abortion provider, almost four million innocent lives were lost in Planned Parenthood clinics, which was the sad result of her goal of increasing women’s access to affordable “reproductive health care.” A former labor organizer who served as Deputy Chief of Staff to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, she also secured a spot for herself as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.

But lifetime achievement awards have a way of fading in importance in the face of a terminal diagnosis. When speaking to The Cut about her treatment program, Richards said, “I mean, it’s like, What do I gotta do to stay alive? I’m good with it. It’s totally manageable, but these things are unpredictable. So I feel like it has helped me focus on what I want to do with the time I have. And I’m excited. I’ve been blessed.” She chokes up and stops. “Okay. I have these moments.”

We can only hope that during one of these moments, she will turn her sights away from the work that cost the world so many lives, and look toward the God who she will soon be facing.

“Despite the grave evil that Cecile Richards has perpetrated against millions of children, we must nevertheless pray for her conversion as she is dying,” LifeSiteNews president John-Henry Westen said. “Jesus has paid for all our sins, even the most heinous, so let’s turn to Him always.”

His call to prayer was echoed by Dr. Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life America, who asked Christians to pray Richards will repent of her abortion advocacy and the killing of her own baby which occurred when she discovered she was pregnant with her fourth child and decided she didn’t want the baby, saying “it wasn’t anything more dramatic than that.”

“Richards is facing the end of her own life,” Dr. Miller said. “To kill another human being and say ‘There’s no more to it than that’–is bone chilling. Pray she will know the love of God and that the God of LIFE will be merciful to her.”

“Despite all Richards has done to destroy human life, and to destroy the pro-life movement, her own life is still precious in the eyes of God, and His will is always that the lost might be saved,” says Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

“We pray the words of Ephesians chapter one for Cecile Richards – that the eyes of her heart may be enlightened, so that she will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the boundless greatness of His power toward those who believe. In short, we pray that Cecile might find salvation and healing, and we encourage all of our supporters to do the same.”


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