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Golden Compass Author Publishes New Blasphemous Book

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The same man who produced the anti-God book turned movie, Golden Compass, has revealed that his latest work, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, is likely to be just as offensive to Christians. According to The Independent, author Philip Pullman, 63, revealed the contents of his new book, scheduled for release next week, while speaking at the UK’s Oxford Literary Festival. The book is based on the premise that Mary gave birth to twins. One twin, Jesus, is passionate and charismatic while the other twin, Christ, is his polar opposite. Christ is self-conscious and troubled and secretly records and embellishes upon his brother’s teachings. He claims to have already received angry letters from the Christian community accusing him of blasphemy and was accompanied by security guards to the Oxford event. However, he has never hidden his goal of doing everything he can to “undermine the basis of Christian belief.” In response to his critics, he says: "Nobody is forcing anyone to pick the book up or to read it or, if after having read it, to like it. If you don't like it, you can always write to me, or to the publisher, or you can write your own book. No one is stopping you." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®