HypnoBirthing® is not New Age. It uses the Mongon method of hypnosis/childbirth and was founded by Marie Mongon of the HypnoBirthing® Institute in New Hampshire. Ms. Mongon is a lay hypnotist who is licensed as a counselor, not as a hypnotist, by the State of New Hampshire. She is certified as a hypnotherapist, hypnoanesthesiologist, and instructor of hypnotherapy.
Even though she lacks medical credentials, many of her associates are MDs and other healthcare professionals.
HypnoBirthing® is based on the work of an obstetrician, Dr. Grantly Dick-Read (author of Childbirth Without Fear, 1944) which teaches women how to understand and release what is called the “Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome” which is often the cause of pain during childbirth. The hypnotic techniques used bring the woman into a trance-like state similar to that of reading a book or staring at a campfire. They are able to be alert and yet remain very focused and calm during the birthing experience.
Christian Hypnobirthing follows the same principles, only it interjects Scripture and faith-based guided meditations and breathing exercises to help mothers-to-be achieve a calm birth.
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