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Lame Duck Session to Push Radical Feminist UN Treaty

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Concerned citizens need to be aware that a Senate subcommittee is planning to hold a hearing today on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), a treaty that promotes abortion, disparages Mother's Day, and would put all aspects of life under the scrutiny of "gender experts." In a press release issued by Concerned Women for America (CWA), who has been leading the fight for 15 years to oppose this anti-woman, unconstitutional U.N. treaty, CWA president Wendy Wright calls upon all Americans to voice their opposition to this radical document. "CEDAW requires countries to deny the obvious - that men and women are different.  If the U.S. ratifies this ridiculous U.N. treaty, every aspect of life - government, schools, business, even family life - would come under the scrutiny of a U.N. committee of 'gender experts'," Wright says. "This so-called 'women's rights' treaty was crafted by extreme feminists in the 1970s.  More accurately, it is anti-woman and contradicts our Constitution. Government officials - and the U.N. Committee that oversees this treaty - will use this radical treaty to bypass our democratic process and impose their bizarre views on us." Ratifying this treaty will put pressure on the U.S. to decriminalize prostitution, put infants in government day care, revise our textbooks to reflect non-stereotypical gender roles, criticize the influence of religion on our society, and even to stop celebrating Mother's Day. Wright offers a sampling of what the CEDAW Committee has done to other countries that ratified the treaty: * Criticized Belarus for celebrating Mother's Day. * Told China to decriminalize prostitution. * Told Mexico -- which outlaws abortion -- to make abortion easy to access. * Told Slovenia to limit women's choices of what academic fields they can study. * Criticized Ireland for the Catholic Church's influence on attitudes and policy. * Told Italy to revise school textbooks to reflect non-stereotypical gender roles (i.e. don't show women as mothers). * Told Mexico to provide "a more equitable redistribution of wealth." * Told Hong Kong to require religious institutions to follow the dictates of the treaty. "CEDAW's all-encompassing scope violates the U.S. Constitution's limits," Wright says. "It violates freedom of religion, freedom of association, and our freedom to live out God's calling as mothers raising children according to Biblical values." The U.S. is one of the few countries who has resisted ratification of this radical treaty. The last time it was seriously debated on Capital Hill was in 2002. Click here to send a letter to your Senator asking him/her to oppose CEDAW or call the Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®