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Lawmakers Vote to Defund PP & Obamacare Today!

US House of Reps logoDue to blowback from their constituents about a massive funding bill that failed to strip Planned Parenthood of funding and gut the disastrous Affordable Care Act, a revised bill that includes these important provisions is scheduled to be voted upon today!

According to FRCAction, House Speaker Paul Ryan is making good on a promise he made during Christmas break to put a bill on the president’s desk that will allow him one last chance to correct two of his biggest mistakes since taking office in 2009 – passing the calamitous Affordable Care Act and allowing the nation’s largest abortion provider to continue to receive taxpayer funding.

The new bill, known as the American’s Health Care Freedom Reconciliation Act (HR 3762) repeals the individual and employer mandate in Obamacare that punishes Americans for not buying health insurance and imposes massive taxes on medical devices that include everything from braces to bedpans. It also includes language that will cut Planned Parenthood’s $400 million in Medicaid money.

As Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) pointed out in the Republican’s Weekly Address, “The point of health care is to preserve and protect life.That’s why this bill stops taxpayer funding for abortion providers.”

She continued: “The people have, for years, asked Congress to stop sending taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, especially after we learned last year of the disturbing practices Planned Parenthood officials engage in such as harvesting and selling baby body parts. These actions -- along with the hundreds of thousands of abortions they perform each year -- show a blatant disregard for human life. That's why this bill places a moratorium on taxpayer funding to abortion providers and redirects that money to community health centers. These health centers serve eight times more women patients than Planned Parenthood, and they provide much more comprehensive care.”

The original bill passed easily in the House in November with 246 votes; however, because the Senate made subtle changes to the bill that now include the above provisions, the House will have to vote on it a second time. If it passes, which it is expected to do, it will head to the president’s desk.

"President Obama will soon have a choice: Does he support the people and women's health, or does he support Washington mandates and tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood?” Hartzler said.

"We were sent to Congress to fight for the American people. They do not want their healthcare dictated to them by Washington. And they don't want their tax dollars going to abortion providers… If the president didn't hear the people's voices earlier, hopefully, he will through this bill."

It is imperative that constituents in favor of these provisions call their representative today and ask them to vote yes on HR 3762!

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