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Let's Celebrate the Catholic Family!

On October 13, 2018, the Diocese of Ogdensburg and Women of Grace© will host a day of encouragement and celebration for Catholic families. Open to men, women, and teens, “The Catholic Family: God’s Answer for Our Time,” will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Ogdensburg.

The keynote speaker for the event will be Johnnette Benkovic Williams, founder and president of Living His Life Abundantly International/Women of Grace© who will speak on how the Catholic family is a beacon of hope in an age of confusion.

“I'm thrilled to be invited to the Diocese of Ogdensburg and the beautiful St. Mary's Cathedral for the upcoming conference on the Catholic family,” Johnnette said. “St. John Paul II stated that the future of humanity passes by way of the family. During this time of challenge, I truly believe that families transformed by the truths of the faith and the grace of the sacraments can do much to bring healing to our world and to the Church.”

Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, author, speaker and Director of Communications and New Age Research at Women of Grace© will help Catholic families understand where the attacks on the family are coming from and how the Catholic faith can empower us to not only survive but thrive even in this adversarial environment.

“Catholics have a secret ‘weapon’ that we can use to disarm even our harshest critics, but most Catholics aren’t aware of it!” Susan said. “I’m hoping to open their eyes to this tremendous source of power that can be used to cut through the confusion about Catholic beliefs that is fueling so many of the attacks on the family today.”

Susan will also address teen girls who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Her presentation, “Unleashing the Genius Within You” will introduce girls to St. John Paul II’s concept of the feminine genius and how to rely on the Holy Spirit to bring that genius into our hurting world.

Thomas K. Sullivan, author, Producer of the Women of Grace TV Show and designer of the Warrior's Rosary, will speak about “The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare.” A military veteran, Thomas will explain how to protect our families and arm ourselves and our children on the battlefield of life by relying on the weapon that defied the Atomic bomb.

“One of the most powerful sacramentals we have is the Rosary,” Thomas said. “In this presentation, we will explore where the battle began, how we got caught up in it, and how the Rosary is the weapon to victory as our families engage the world, the flesh and the Devil on the battlefield of life.”

Thomas will also address teen boys who are preparing for confirmation. His presentation, entitled, “Knighted by Christ: Ignited by the Holy Spirit” will take boys on a trip back in time to the creation and fall of the angels and how this war spilled over onto the earth. Why is the Church called the “Church Militant” and how does the power of the Sacrament of Confirmation make us Knights in the Kingdom of God?

There will also be a powerful Healing Rosary event for families in the evening.

Resources will also be available for sale.

The day includes Morning Prayer, four presentations for adults/families, two teen presentations, Mass with Bishop Terry R. LaValley, and a box lunch.

For more details, information about lodging, and to register, go to