The American public was horrified on Tuesday night when an army of white-clothed female lawmakers refused to applaud when President Trump called for an end to the ungodly practice of late-term abortion and infanticide. As a result, lawmakers are now preparing to expose the abortion extremists in their ranks by fast-tracking the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a public vote on the floor of the House and Senate.
Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) along with Ann Wagner (R-MO), have re-introduced the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (HR 4712) which is designed to ensure that any infant born alive after an abortion receives the same protection of law as any newborn.
The bill mandates the following:
• Requires that health care practitioners who are present at the live birth exercise skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child—the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born prematurely the same gestational age. After those efforts, the health care workers must transport and admit the child to a hospital.
• Requires health care practitioners and hospital employees to report violations to law enforcement authorities, reducing the number of born-alive abortions that go unreported.
• Penalizes the intentional killing of a born-alive child through fines or up to 5 years imprisonment.
• Gives the mother of the abortion survivor a civil cause of action and protection from prosecution, recognizing that women are the second victims of abortion and promoting the dignity of motherhood.
A similar bill, S.130, was introduced in the Senate earlier this week by Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) who asked that it be passed by unanimous consent, meaning it would be immediately approved unless a Senator objected. Sadly, Washington’s Democratic Senator Patty Murray did so. He now intends to bring it for a floor vote and has the full support of Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
“Innocent life must be defended and protected at every stage, and that includes babies born alive during an abortion,” Rep. Scalise said and cited the horrific actions taken in New York and Virginia recently that permit infanticide.
“The silence from Congressional Democrats is deafening and shameful. Every Member of Congress, regardless of party, needs to go on record against infanticide, and we must immediately take action to stop it. The American people deserve to know where their representatives stand on this critical issue.”
This is the last thing pro-abortion lawmakers want to do, especially knowing that all polls show a vast majority of Americans – including those who identify as pro-choice – are in favor of abortion restrictions. Only a small minority approve of abortion until the point of birth.
“I have been horrified to watch radical Democratic legislators argue that babies who survive abortions should not be given the same level of medical care that all other newborn babies receive.” said Representative Wagner. “Congress must act to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”
By introducing the bill to the House, which is now controlled by pro-abortion Democrats, Wagner is tossing down the gauntlet.
“To my colleagues, this is the simplest vote you will ever take: either you support babies being killed after they are born or you don’t. It is time to go on the record and make clear if you think babies born alive deserve medical care, or if you think they should be left to die.”
If there was ever a time to pick up the phone and call your representatives, it’s now! Ask your Senator to support S. 130 and your Representative to support HR 4712.
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