Blog Post

New Website Helps Post-Abortion Women

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   Women seeking information about post-abortion issues, or who wish to share their own experiences, will be able to use a new website specifically designed for this purpose. The website,, is a service provided by the Elliott Institute, a leader in research and education about post-abortion issues. The new site is designed to allow anyone in the world find or contribute information related to these issues. Using the same software platform that underlies popular websites like Wikipedia, the new website allows registered users to add their own information and pages to the site, as well as to edit information that is already there. The site includes sections for: • post-abortion ministries to add information about their work and their materials, links and notices about upcoming events; • women and men who have been involved in an abortion to post their stories; • users to add original articles, commentary, or information about new research; • users to add information and links to other resources related to post-abortion healing research and healing; • users to simply discuss or comment on the articles and information posted on the website. The website is also the home of the Thomas W. Strahan Memorial Library, the most extensive bibliography of published studies, books and articles on the aftereffects of abortion, along with commentary highlighting the most important points in each citation. Tom Strahan was a lawyer and civil rights activist who was probably the world's leading expert on published studies on abortion. His bibliography was published in the form of a book, Detrimental Effects of Abortion, which is now a featured section of the website, is available for reference by visitors and for updating by the contributing editors of the new website.   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.