The nine-day novena will start on Thursday, December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and include daily meditations on reflections from Fulton Sheen. The novena is available in English and Spanish and will be carried on many Catholic television networks as well as many social media sites.
Bishop Jenky is asking the faithful to give themselves over to prayer in order to “move heaven as well as instill hope to all those saddened and disappointed by the delay announced so close to the expected Beatification.”
Originally scheduled for December 21, the beatification was abruptly halted when several bishops voiced concern and asked for more time. There was some speculation that the delay had something to do with an incident of sex abuse that the late Archbishop was allegedly involved in, but Bishop Jenky reassured the faithful that “At no time has his life of virtue been called into question.”
For more information about the novena and the Cause, please visit the website.