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Obama Administration Threatens Catholic Colleges

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Obama administration has issued new regulations that open the door to possible state intrusion into curriculum, student policies and hiring decisions in Catholic colleges and universities. According to the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS), an organization that seeks to restore the Catholic identity to the nation's Catholic colleges and universities, the regulations issued Friday give states increased oversight of postsecondary education through state chartering or licensing, which is a necessary condition for colleges to participate in federal student aid programs. This action will give states the legal authority to define curriculum, teaching methods, and subject matter content, which could result in compromising the unique mission of religious schools.  Because most Catholic colleges accept low-cost federal student loans and grants, they will be forced to either comply with these regulations or forgo federal aid which would place them at a disadvantage in recruiting students. “The door is opened for state politicians and bureaucrats who would impose their social agendas on private and religious colleges,” warned Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society. “Already the Obama administration has seized direct ownership of student loans, and now a college’s eligibility for student loans is subject to the political whims of its state legislators and regulators. Many states have demonstrated callous disregard for the religious identity of Catholic colleges, from mandating contraceptive coverage in student and employee health plans to requiring employee benefits for same-sex couples.” CNS explains that although the Higher Education Act has long required state authorization for a college to participate in federal aid programs, many states do not aggressively monitor colleges and their consent was assumed unless otherwise reported to the U.S. Education Department. However, these new regulations require state approval of colleges “by name” and a state process “to review and appropriately act on” complaints about any approved institution. The Education Department has already acknowledged that it has received complaints from college leaders about the impact of the new regulations on their institutions. In response, federal officials agreed that the new regulations do “not limit a State’s oversight of institutions.” These new developments could lead to more cases such as that of Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic institution in North Caroline that was ordered by the state to cover birth control in its employee health care plan. "Catholic colleges and students may also not be protected from similar mandates for abortion and contraceptive insurance coverage under the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—i.e., President Obama’s health care overhaul," CNS reports. After the Belmont Abbey College case, CNS launched The Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education which is aimed at defending the religious liberty of Catholic colleges. Thus far, the Center has published three papers—from experts in law, health insurance and ethics—to help Catholic colleges defend against government mandates for employee health benefits that violate Catholic morality. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®