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Occultists Launch Task Force to Support Presidential Candidate

Supporters of 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson have organized what they are calling an “occult task force” to help get the kooky New Age guru elected President.

The Washington Post is reporting on an anonymous group of 13 “chaos magicians, witches and energy workers” who were doing “synchronized gestures” to help Ms. Williamson get more airtime during Tuesday’s Democratic debate.

“The whole orb gang community is tapping into the power of memes to reflect back on, and multiply, the sort of pulsing undercurrents of our collective unconscious,” the person said in an email to the Post.

As the Daily Caller explains, the term “orb gang” is a reference to an April monologue on Williamson by Virgil Texas of the popular left-wing political podcast Chapo Trap House. Texas urged his listeners to “pierce the veil of reality and observe the realm beyond, full of glimmering orbs.”

Williamson, who is desperately trying to be taken seriously in her run for the presidency, naturally tried to distance herself from the orb gang.

Campaign spokeswoman Patricia Ewing told The Post: “I am very, very concerned about the word occultist,” and said she knew nothing about the task force.

Even though Williamson was the most searched candidate on the debate stage earlier this week, the unearthing of past Twitter posts full of her typical New Agey pontifications didn’t help her cause.

For example, in 2010 she tweeted: “You're a lamp; God is the electricity. You're a faucet; God is the water. You're a human; God is the divine within you. ALLOW the flow.”

A year later, she tweeted: “Everyone feels on some level like an alien in this world, because we ARE. We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.”

As Newsbusters points out, her best-selling self-help books aren’t much better. They quoted from one of her books where she describes AIDS as “Angels-in-Darth Vader-Suits” and told people with the disease to “imagine the AIDS virus as Darth Vader, then unzip his suit to allow an angel to emerge.”

It’s not wonder that someone with her background would generate so much curiosity from the public – but is it serious interest?

Not according to some of the responses on social media afterward.

For example, after her comments on-stage about the President’s “dark psychic forces,” someone tweeted: “Crystals and Himalayan salt lamps for all!”

Another tweeted: “Marianne Williamson is the only candidate bold enough to propose a witchcraft-based health care system.”

“Marianne Williamson crosses stage waving a smoking bundle of sage,” another joked.

“Honestly grateful for Marianne Williamson's energy on stage tonight. She should read their auras,” another tweeted, then added: “A head to head match up between Donald Trump and Marianne Williamson would be the best television of the century.”

All mockery aside, Williamson, a promoter of the “New Age bible” known as A Course in Miracles – a year-long exercise designed to “cure” people of the Judeo-Christian worldview – has a much bigger potential following that we might want to believe.

For example, Williamson has bought into the most popular New Age construct – that science-based Western medicine is conspiring to either kill people or at least bilk them of their hard-earned cash. She promotes "natural remedies" - i.e, the alternative medicine market. The self-made metaphysician has been known to instruct her followers to “see every cell of your body filled with divine light. Pour God’s love on our immune systems.”

However, as Katya Sedgwick writes for The Federalist, there are a growing number of Americans who espouse these odd beliefs. “Far from being a one-off weirdo, Williamson stands for a growing constituency of Americans: urban, somewhat educated, mostly female, youngish, a-religious and spiritually hungry,” Sedgwick writes.

“Ridicule is a normal gut reaction to the high priestess of New Age’s debut on the national political stage, but I think we might be forgetting, for instance, the goats on yoga mats at beer gardens for Yom Kippur. Or the fact that 'psychic services' are a $2 billion industry, and that perfectly mainstream department stores now sell ‘wellness’ products. There is also a growing number of witches in this country today—a trend that reflects the decline of certain religious denominations in combination with spiritual yearning.”

Everyone agrees that Marianne Williamson’s chances for election to the presidency are nil, and the mere idea remains firmly ensconced in another realm of consciousness, her presence on the national political scene may very well be a bellwether of things to come in our increasingly pagan culture.

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