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Planned Parenthood Cited for HIPAA Violations

48399903_sThe Select Congressional Panel investigating Planned Parenthood has filed a complaint against the abortion giant, citing "serious and systematic violations of the HIPAA privacy rule” and is requesting a "swift and full investigation” by the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Life Legal Defense Foundation, which is representing David Daleiden, the man responsible for taking videos of deal-making between abortion providers and fetal tissue procurement firms, is reporting on the most recent findings of the Committee which has been investigating the trafficking of baby body parts.

In a statement released yesterday, the Panel revealed that it has uncovered information showing that Planned Parenthood "committed systematic violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ('HIPAA') privacy rule from about 2010 to 2015." The clinics did so by sharing patient health information with StemExpress in order to provide specific types of fetal tissue for resale.

Evidence gathered by the Panel showed that Planned Parenthood systematically shared patients' medical charts with StemExpress employees. StemExpress then used the information, including the age of the patient, gestational age of the baby, health of the mother and the baby, to decide which patients to approach and obtain consent to harvest the fetal tissue.

StemExpress employees had daily orders from researchers for particular organs at certain gestational ages and access to all the patients' medical charts allowed them to approach only those patients whose wombs contained the desired tissues.

"In addition to violating federal laws prohibiting the sale of tissue from aborted babies, now we discover that Planned Parenthood has violated federal laws protecting patient privacy," says Alexandra Snyder, Executive Director of the Life Legal Defense Foundation.

David Daleiden David Daleiden

"Planned Parenthood and its media allies claim that none of the government investigations spurred by our client David Daleiden's work have uncovered any wrongdoing by the abortion giant. This is manifestly untrue, and today's letters from the Select Panel are the latest proof."

Life Legal also learned that Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, who chairs the Select Panel, is urging a separate investigation into StemExpress for "fraudulently using invalid consent forms." An earlier panel hearing highlighted evidence that Planned Parenthood's consent forms incorrectly stated that fetal tissue had produced cures for a variety of diseases. According to the Panel's evidence, StemExpress also misled its customers to believe it had a valid Institutional Review Board approval, a federal requirement for conducting research involving human subjects.

“StemExpress paid Planned Parenthood to break the law,” said Daleiden, founder of The Center for Medical Progress.

“The documents released today by the Select Investigative Panel show StemExpress and the biggest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country engaged in a five-year-long scheme to profit off aborted baby body parts using unprotected confidential patient information and disregarding normal patient protections, in direct violation of HIPAA and other federal laws. Now we know why Planned Parenthood and their allies have fought so hard to oppose any scrutiny of their barbaric aborted baby body parts business: the violations in Planned Parenthood and StemExpress’ illegal baby body parts trade goes far deeper than anyone ever realized.”

Daleiden is calling upon elected officials at all levels to “act immediately to hold lawless entities like StemExpress and Planned Parenthood accountable for their atrocities against humanity.”

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