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Poll: 50% of Americans Oppose HHS Mandate

In spite of media claims that a majority of Americans support President Obama's new HHS mandate "accommodation," some their own polls show that public sentiment is against the intrusive law.

LifeNews is reporting that a new poll by CNN found that half of all Americans oppose the controversial mandate that would force religious employers to pay for insurance coverage for drugs and procedures that violate their religious beliefs. The poll, conducted by ORC International on the days following the president's announcement of an "accommodation" to the mandate found that 50 percent disapproved of the law, with 44 percent supporting it and six percent remaining undecided.

The survey data revealed that opposition to the mandate is mostly among men, older voters and white voters while women, younger voters and non-white voters are in favor of it.

Party affiliation is also a factor, with 85 percent of Republicans opposing it while 70 percent of Democrats approve of it.

“The CNN poll illustrates the road ahead for the White House,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “If the administration can’t inform more Americans about the details of the policy – details that some other polls show to be popular – the public is likely to split along party lines. Many will dislike the plan simply due to the fact that this is an Obama initiative.”

This poll is in keeping with similar recent polls such as one conducted by Pew Research which found that 48 percent of Americans oppose forcing a religious institution to pay for the coverage with 44 percent approving of it. Catholic were even more opposed with 55 percent saying churches should receive an exemption and only 39 percent saying religious institutions should be forced to do so.

A Rasmussen poll also found that 50 percent of Americans opposed the mandate.

The latest polling represents serious problems for the Obama Administration going forward, particularly with Catholics whose net approval of the president has dropped 28 points since his election.

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