Blog Post

Pope Denounces Errors Behind Economic Crisis

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer

Pope Benedict XVI defended the Church’s right to present reasonable and well-argued criticism of the errors that have led to the current economic crisis, citing selfishness and idolatry of money among them.

During a Feb. 27 meeting with pastors and clergy of the diocese of Rome, the Pope said this duty to speak up is part of the Church’s mission and must be exercised firmly and courageously.

He went on to present an overview of the crisis. First he highlighted the shortcomings of a system founded on selfishness and the idolatry of money, which he said casts a shadow over man's reason and will and leads him into the ways of error. Here the Church is called to make her voice heard - nationally and internationally - in order to help bring about a change of direction and show the path of true reason illuminated by faith, which is the path of self-sacrifice and concern for the needy.

The second aspect he addressed is the matter of large-scale projects for reform which, he said, cannot come about unless individuals alter their ways. If there are no just people, then there can be no justice.

He then invited people to intensify their humble everyday efforts for the conversion of hearts, an undertaking that above all involves parishes whose activity is not just limited to the local community but opens up to all humanity.

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1. In November, 1997, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued an ethical framework for economic life consisting of 10 of the Church’s main teachings on economic life. What are these 10 teachings? See “A Catholic Framework for Economic Life” available here: )

2. Which commandment is violated by economic injustice? (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church Section Three available here: )

3. The Church is convinced that work is a fundamental dimension of man's existence on earth. From what Scripture passage does the Church derive this belief (See Genesis 1:26-28) and why? (See No. 4 in the encyclical On Human Work by Pope John Paul II available here: )

4. The Church considers work to be a duty (See 2 Thess. 3: 6-12), believes all should receive a just wage (See No. 2434 in Section Three of the Catechism) and condemns unemployment (See No. 2436, also in Section Three of the Catechism).