Blog Post

PP to Girls: Dress Like Sluts on Halloween

girls cheerleaderCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A senior writer for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America published a column in The New York Times encouraging little girls to wear sexy Halloween costumes this year.

Breitbart is reporting on the appalling advice given to parents by Planned Parenthood's Leora Tanenbaum, who thinks it’s empowering to let little girls “play sexy cat” on Halloween in fishnet stockings and skimpy leotards. Other options would be to let their “little angel” dress up as a sexy policy officer, nurse, angel or devil.

As Breitbart's Warner Todd Huston reports, Tanenbaum then resorts to typical feminist buzzwords to sell her immoral concepts to parents. Try dress rental for your daughter so she can look beautiful for any occupation.

“Helping your daughter put together a costume she feels confident in requires consideration of the conflicting pressures she may be experiencing and opening a dialogue with her about everyday sexism,” she writes.

Tanenbaum then goes on to quote a character played by the troubled actress Lindsey Lohan who said: “Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.”

monster high costumeIt’s not until after many paragraphs devoted to selling parents on the idea of letting their little girls get sexy on Halloween that she adds the more sensible advice to “set reasonable limits” as if there are any when it comes to dressing little girls in costumes meant to be alluring to the opposite sex. She also cautions parents to be careful that the costume doesn’t lead to “body shaming”.

But in the end, the girl should be allowed to choose her own costume because “what’s really important” is “how she feels about herself, and whether she recognizes the larger sexist forces at play.”

Does anyone know a 10 year old who fits this description?

As Huston writes, The New York Times’ questionable choice of columns now qualifies them to join the ranks of which recently published an articleabout Todd Nickerson, a self-described “virtuous pedophile” who was only too anxious to tell the public that he’s “not the monster you think me to be.”

Of course, we’re all supposed to believe that because the “progressives” are trying to normalize pedophilia the same way they normalized homosexuality and “gender theory”.

Huston leaves us with this chilling warning: “Just remember, parents, when your little girl is knocking on doors in her ‘sexy cat’ costume on Halloween that she should say ‘cheese’ when the local Todd Nickerson comes to the door with his cell phone in one hand and a bowl of popcorn balls in the other.”

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We’re not satisfied with just feeling shocked about this – Women of Grace® is doing something about it. We just introduced the new Young Women of Grace study for girls which counters this kind of depraved "advice" by helping girls explore the dignity that belongs to them as a daughter of the Most High. Click here for more information about how to start a group in your neighborhood or school. If you can't start a group, but want to help us spread the word, click here. With God's help, we can - and will - save our girls!





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