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Pro-Lifers Crash Women’s March

abortion betrays womenCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Whether they were invited or not, pro-life women made their presence known in Saturday’s so-called “Women’s” March with a group of students rushing into the front of the march with a huge banner that read: “Abortion Betrays Women!” while another pregnant pro-life leader was visibly pushed into the street by angry marchers.

Breitbart is reporting on Students for Life of America (SFLA) who took part in the pro-abortion women’s event in Washington, DC which drew an estimated half million people to the nation’s capital to protest the election of pro-life president Donald J. Trump.

Only pro-abortion women were permitted to partner with the march, but that didn’t stop youth from the SFLA – the largest pro-life youth organization in America – from crashing the march and getting their voices heard.

“Yeah so they wouldn’t let us in their march so we just ran ahead and got in the front,” said SFLA president Kristan Hawkins on Facebook. The post featured a photo of students carrying a huge black and white banner that read “Abortion Betrays Women” at the front of the march.

“We will not sit by as Planned Parenthood, our nation’s abortion Goliath and a sponsor of this March, betrays women into thinking abortion is their only choice,” Hawkins wrote.

In an earlier statement about the march, Hawkins criticized the Women’s March for “excluding the majority of American women who find abortion to be morally wrong and believe in protecting families, defending the marginalized, and achieving social justice.”

She added: “Instead of a march to promote those worthy values and truly be inclusive, the event has turned into a rallying cry for the radical abortion industry to save their own baby: taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.”

Abby Johnson Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson, author and pro-life leader who once managed a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, was also at the Women’s March and had the unfortunate experience of being pushed into the street by some of the women at the march despite being visibly pregnant.

“Things didn't get crazy until we joined up with another prolife group. I think, as a large group, we were seen as a threat,” Johnson wrote on her Facebook page. “That's when a group of three people came barreling into me and knocked me onto the road. It was definitely deliberate...but I honestly expected much worse.”

Thankfully, other march participants came to her aid and protected her from further injury.

“But even in the craziness, I was thankful. Thankful that I'm no longer part of the group chanting ‘my body, my choice.’ Thankful for the conversations I had with women at the March. Thankful that someone was there to be a witness for the unborn and their mothers,” she said.

“We had lots of great conversations with women here.There were many people who came up to tell us they agree with us and even people who said they didn't agree, but they were really happy we were there.”

Not all of the women behaved as poorly as those who were featured by a mainstream media that performed back flips in an attempt to sanitize the crassness of what was being televised in real time. For instance, Madonna, who is now being investigated by the Secret Service for admitting that she wanted to bomb the White House dropped the F-bomb several times. Ashley Judd and her R-rated rant about the new president’s alleged incestuous fantasies and bigoted comments about Americans living in the south were equally shocking.

In the end, Americans were simply reminded about why candidates and causes that rely on foul-mouthed celebrity endorsements are such a turn-off to the general public.

The only good thing to come out of this March is the fact that even mainstream media groups who were touting this march as the “biggest protest in U.S. history” had to admit that the pro-life March for Life, which has hosted crowds as big or bigger for more than 40 years, receives not even a fraction of the same coverage. 

Will the secular media now be shamed into covering the counter-march which will take place this Friday? We'll see soon enough.

If you haven't already done so, this is the year to attend the March for Life. Let's show the world what the "biggest protest in U.S. history" looks like - for the 44th time.

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This writer will be live tweeting from the March so stay tuned for real-time reporting!





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