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#RealWomenDontQuit Counters “A Day Without a Woman”

women sitting in circleToday’s “A Day Without A Woman” is supposed to be a day dedicated to “economic solidarity” for women but, much like the Women’s March, this day only includes women who are pro-union, pro-abortion, anti-Israel and those who can afford to skip a day of work. But the #RealWomenDontQuit campaign aims to give the rest of us a voice!

The Washington Times is reporting on the latest far-left feminist fiasco – A Day Without a Woman – which is under fire by women from the right and the left because of the mixed political messages it is sending to the world.

Officially, the goal of today’s protest is to “highlight the economic power and significance that women have in the US and global economies, while calling attention to the economic injustices women and gender nonconforming people continue to face,” the organizers said in a statement.

Women are being urged to take the day off from paid and unpaid labor and wear red.

But much like the Women’s March, the event is sending out political messages that many women find objectionable.

“The Day Without a Woman manifesto includes strong support for unions, a ‘living wage,’ ‘fair pay’ and ‘solidarity with the sex workers’ rights movement,’ without explaining what those policies entail,” explains the Times’ Valerie Richardson.

Two large school districts - one in Virginia and the other in North Carolina – outraged parents when they decided to shut schools today in anticipation of teacher absences by women who are participating in the event. Of course, the union will make it easy for women to take the day off because two of the nation’s largest teacher’s union, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers – were partners in the Women’s March.

women on couchEven more troubling is what Richardson calls “the Israel angle.”

“Among the international organizers is Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a Palestinian activist who was convicted in a 1969 Jerusalem terrorist bombing that left two Israeli men dead and was released 10 years later as part of a prisoner exchange,” Richardson explains.

She cites an op-ed on the B’nai B’rith Canada website by Willem Hart who wrote: “So, here we are in 2017 and a convicted terrorist who murdered two people with impunity (even Odeh’s cousin confirmed in a documentary that she was responsible for the attack) is a leading figure in the contemporary women’s movement.”

And just like the pro-Sharia law organizer of the Women’s March, Linda Sarsour, today’s event will give another “ . . . anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and antisemitic ‘activist’ . . . a platform to spew her radical ideologies,” Hart added.

However, criticism of today’s event isn’t just coming from the right. Even some progressives have expressed concerns over an event that allows only “privileged” women – those who can afford it – to skip a day of work without suffering economic consequences.

“The idea behind the strike is a noble one. Who doesn’t want economic equality for everyone?” said feminist writer Maureen Shaw on online news outlet Quartz. “But in practice, most American women cannot afford to opt out of either paid or unpaid labor. This fact, coupled with the very broad aims of the strike, is concerning.”

Meghan Daum, a columnist with the Los Angeles Times, remarked: “We are nearly half the labor force now. We are just as important in the workplace and to our families’ fiscal welfare as men. All things being equal (which is what we’re after, right?), we are too essential to play hooky,” said Los Angeles Times columnist Meghan Daum.

Thankfully, women across the country who aren’t interested in using their femininity as a tool to score political points are opting to celebrate International Women’s Day by projecting a much more positive message about the critical role their gender plays in society by celebrating it instead.

For instance, Women Speak For Themselves gatherings are bringing women together today in home settings to discuss what the Church really teaches about abortion, contraception, marriage, and the role of women in society.

Lady Day events are also being held today where women take the opportunity to dress up and gather for tea or a meal or just to enjoy one another’s friendship.

Of course, Women of Grace and Young Women of Grace groups can also make this a special day by having an impromptu get together to celebrate their "sacred sisterhood."

Another option is to join in a “Tweet Fest” by celebrating real womanhood and using the hashtag #RealWomenDontQuit all over social media. Let's make authentic femininity trend today!

Popular radio personality Teresa Tomeo, the brains behind the Tweet Fest, is asking women to tag her or send her a message on Facebook and Twitter to let her know what they’re doing to celebrate their femininity today.

“Whatever you do to counter the very destructive messages being promoted by radical feminists this week, as St. Peter tells us in 1st Peter 3:15, ‘do it with gentleness and reverence,’” as challenging as it may be,” Tomeo advises. “And remember, as St. Francis de Sales said, we catch a lot more flies with honey than vinegar, and in our case maybe wine, cheese, and a good cup of hot tea.”

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