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Suri Cruise to be Raised Catholic

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Katie Holmes, wife of actor Tom Cruise and the daughter of devout Catholics, is said to have convinced her husband to raise their daughter Suri as a Catholic rather than in their adopted Scientology. According to London’s Mail Online, Suri Cruise has been enrolled at the Catholic Charities Yawkey Center for Early Education and Learning in Boston, Massachusetts. The family is living in Boston while Cruise, 47, films a new movie. “Katie has been listening to her parents who are devout Catholics,” said an unnamed source. “She is not convinced by Scientology and has told Tom that she wants Suri to be educated as a Catholic – as she was.” Apparently, the couple has been having huge problems agreeing on Suri’s schooling. “To say they were having arguments is putting it mildly,” the source said, “but Tom came around to the idea in the end.” Holmes, 30, has not been seen at the Church of Scientology for more than five months. However, Cruise, who was also raised Catholic. converted to Scientology in 1990. Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) in 1952 as an offshoot of his self-help program described in the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.  Scientologists believe that people are immortal spiritual beings (thetans) who have forgotten their true nature. It offers a method of spiritual rehabilitation known as “auditing” which attempts to free people of the scarring effects of painful and traumatic events in their lives. Scientologists scorn the use of all medicines, believing that most physical problems are manifestations of spiritual ailments.   Some of their more outlandish beliefs surround an evil galactic ruler, Xenu, who supposedly lived 75 million years ago and who solved a universal over-population program by transporting trillions of people to earth where they were destroyed. The souls of these dead people – known as body thetans – are thought to inhabit our bodies. The object is to get rid of these beings in order to be healthier and to gain special powers of powers of mind-over-matter. Apparently, this facet of scientology is not revealed to practitioners until after they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology, which is why this belief-system has been beseiged with accusations of fraud and other cult-like practices. Another famous movie star and Scientologist, John Travolta, came under fire last year after the tragic death of his teenage son, Jett, who died after suffering a seizure associated with Kawasaki disease. Tom Cruise remains an ardent follower. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®