
Blog Posts

To Attend, or Not to Attend

The following post is from the Catholic Answers website.  I mentioned it on the Women of Grace Live radio program today and am posting it here for those who have been struggling with this issue.

I have been an apologist for Catholic Answers since 2003. When people find out how long I've been with Catholic Answers, they sometimes ask, "What is the most-asked question you receive?" That's easy: Can I go to this wedding? The question has been asked so often, in fact, that in 2007 I created a checklist for laypeople to use to decide for themselves if they could go to a particular wedding. In the years since, that checklist has become one of the most-viewed apologist Q&A's on the Catholic Answers Forums, with over 75,000 views.

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Lenten Exercises For You And Your Spouse

186123375Imagine you and your spouse driving down an open road and all you see out the window is an endless body of water, along with a beautiful beach and captivating sunset. What is your first thought? Is it the beauty of God’s creation? Is it the thought of how the water came to be? Does your husband want to go fishing? Or do you wish you could lie down and relax on the beach? Regardless of what your thoughts or desires may be, God created that image, even if it was a manmade body of water. He created the water, he created the sand, and he has complete control over the sunset. He may have even put those desires on your heart: the desire to relax and rejuvenate what may have been lost amidst the busyness of your schedule.

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Five Things No One Tells You About Marriage

Hello all Women of Grace blog readers! I hope you are enjoying your Fourth of July holiday week! I know it’s been a while, but I hope the wait was worth it because the topic I chose is for those who are not yet married, or, for very, very newly married couples.

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Five Benefits of Marrying Within Your Faith

Couple reading BibleEver since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of marrying the man of my dreams. I imagined being romanced by an amazing young man, and we would live happily ever after. This is the simplicity of a young girl with high, long-awaited hopes of marrying her knight in shining armor.

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Growing Holier as a Couple Through the Cardinal Virtues


Happy third week of Lent to all women of grace! If you don’t already know me, my name is Jacqueline Burkepile, and I'm a Catholic newlywed of about nine months. I wrote a blog for Women of Grace in January focusing on becoming a holier wife. I may not be the most experienced wife on the planet, but in nine months, I’ve learned a lot about marriage. I spoke with mine and my husband’s pastor, Fr. Kyle Walterscheid,[1] on how to approach this next blog, and I think you will enjoy the suggestions I have in store for you today.

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