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Justice Ginsburg Offends Women Who Miscarry

Women who have lost their babies to miscarriage have taken offense to a comment made by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a recent ruling on Indiana's abortion laws that women who lose their child to abortion are not mothers. What about those who lose their child to miscarriage? The following heartbreaking testimony, from Priests for Life youth director, Bryan Kemper, describes just how wrong Ginsburg is in her assessment of when motherhood begins.

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Join the International Week of Prayer and Fasting!

The 25th International Week of Prayer and Fasting will kick off on October 1, Respect Life Sunday, with the goal of conversion of hearts, the building of a culture of life, protection of marriage and family and for peace in the world.

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Priests for Life Vows to Continue Mandate Fight

fr frank pavoneA federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Obama Administration on Friday in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the controversial HHS mandate which was launched by Priests for Life, the Archdiocese of Washington DC and Thomas Aquinas College - all of whom vow to fight on.

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Bishop Orders Father Frank Pavone Back to Diocese

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The founder of one of the most effective pro-life ministries in the world, Father Frank  Pavone, has been recalled to his diocese and ordered to restrict his ministry until questions about the ministry's financial stewardship are answered.

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Baby Joseph Transferred to Catholic Hospital in St. Louis

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Under cover of darkness, Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, arrived in Ontario, Canada, Sunday night to rescue Baby Joseph Maraachli from the London Health Sciences Centre and see him safely transferred to a Catholic hospital in St. Louis.

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Plane Standing By to Fly Baby Joseph to America

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Some of the country's top pro life organizations are rallying to the aid of baby Joseph Maraachli in an attempt to get him into a hospital in the United States where he can escape attempts by a Canadian hospital to remove his ventilator and let him die.

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Fr. Pavone to Write for Washington Post

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Priests for Life founder Father Frank Pavone has been invited by the liberal Washington Post to be a regular columnist for their on-line forum on faith. According to Fr. Pavone, the Post invited him to write a weekly column for their on-line forum known as "On Faith." "Each week I will have the opportunity to address a particular topic. Comments are permitted from the public, so I invite you to visit the forum and comment on my articles," Father said in an e-mail. New columns are usually posted on the site on Tuesdays and heavy traffic on that day will send a strong message to the paper, he said. "The more of our Priests for Life family participate in this conversation, the more the readers will see the strength of our movement," he said. The topics of his first few columns include how to break down barriers without compromising beliefs, how the voting booth is not a "moral free zone," the need for more faith and reason, and why Catholics cannot vote for pro-abortion candidates. All are invited to share their thoughts each week at © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Fr. Pavone Calls for Burial of Fetuses Found in Freezer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said today that the 24 bodies of dead babies found in the freezer of a Philadelphia abortion clinic should be given a reverent burial as soon as possible, and that this should be a public event in which people can mourn the loss of these lives.

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