“Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. However, assumed into Heaven, the Mother of God now requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spreading of God's kingdom upon earth.”
- St. Maximilian Kolbe
Last Saturday we celebrated the feast of one of my favorite saints, St. Maximilian Kolbe. My husband and I love him so much that we named our beloved dog Kolbe after him.
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“Turn me over, I’m done on this side.” – St. Lawrence
Have you ever noticed how good it feels to laugh? "It's not surprising that the adage, "laughter is the best medicine" is such a popular cliche." It’s true. It’s also not surprising that many of the saints were known for their keen sense of humor.
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