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Mary's obedience

December 11
"The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience; what the virgin Eve bound through her unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosened by her faith."
-Lumen Gentium, 56 (quoting St. Irenaeus)
Today's Reflection:
This is one of the most profound quotes about our dearest Mother, painting a vivid illustration of how critical Mary's role in salvation is- through her obedience, she broke apart the knot caused by Eve's disobedience. Her perfect faith unbound the chains of Eve's fear and disbelief. Today, ask Mother to intercede for you, praying that our precious Father will loosen the knots of fear and worry in your heart. What is He calling you to trust Him with today?

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The Obedience of Mary

October 13
"The knot of Eve's disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary."
-St. Irenaeus
Today's Reflection:
Why was Mary's obedience so pivotal in salvation history?

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Even to the Ends of the Earth

April 25
St. Mark, Evangelist
"The Church, which has spread everywhere, even to the ends of the earth, received the faith from the apostles and their disciples."
-St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies
Today's Reflection
Dear St. Mark, thank you for your faithfulness to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Through your obedience, I have received faith. Through your docility, I have received strength. Help me to live the gospel message, experience the gospel message, and pass the gospel message on to others. Please pray for me. Amen.

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Correct Timing

June 28

June 28

Feast of St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr (130 – 200)

Where there is order, there is also harmony, where there is harmony, there is also correct timing; where there is correct timing, there is also advantage.

                                                                                    -St. Irenaeus

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