I have bad news for your friends. ALL ionized and magnetized water machine products are scams.
There are so many of them out there it would be impossible to address them all in one blog. There's structured water, magnetized water, energized water, oxygenated water, structured water, Kangen water, water clusters and even water awareness which is based on the preposterous notion that water is conscious and can respond to stimuli such as music, prayer, words, or emotions. And all of these products can be found on flashy websites that contain no indication of serious scientific testing, only the usual testimonials from people who swear the water cured their aching back or healed their cancer. Equally suspicious is the fact that none of these products or machines contain the required disclaimer that their claims are not supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
For some idea of how extensive this problem is, click here for a list of water scams that was compiled by Stephen Lower, a retired professor of the Department of Chemistry from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.
I hope you have a lot of time because this list is incredibly long!
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