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UK Witchcraft Haven Scene of Satanic Animal Abuse

New Forest, UK (Photo credit Jim Champion, Wikicommons Images)

In the same UK forest where the infamous Gerald Gardner, father of modern witchcraft, met with his coven to perform magic rituals, animals have been found slashed and stabbed to death with satanic symbols painted on their bodies.

The Telegraph is reporting on the incident which occurred in late November near the village of Bramshaw which is located near New Forest National Park. A resident named Judy Rudd, who was out walking her dogs, found the dead sheep laying on the ground.

"It had purple and green aerosol symbols sprayed on it,” Mrs. Rudd described. “It was a pentagram and a cross. It had been stabbed to death. The wounds were in the side of the body by the rib cage. It was very unpleasant... Some people think it's sinister."

Her husband Julian added: "I don't agree that it's done to shock - you don't go around knifing animals simply to shock people. It's related to something other than simply a desire to injure animals - it's either witchcraft or whatever. It's rather worrying."

The New Forest area became associated with witchcraft after the author and occultist Gerald Gardner, chose to meet there with a group of witches in the early part of the 20th century. The area has been associated with witchcraft ever since but recent events have residents fearing that modern-day Satanists are to blame.

Reverend David Bacon found an inverted cross and the number 666 written on the door of his church in the civil parish of St Peter's.

"I've been told one of the symbols was a 666 which of course is a biblical sign of the devil, or Satan, so it could have [sinister overtones]. I've been here 15 years and seen a lot of stuff, but nothing like this. It could just be kids, but I don't think it is, given the context,” the Reverend told the Telegraph.

"There's been witchcraft round here for hundreds of years - the New Forest is well known for witchcraft and black magic happening, and this has obviously gone up a level."

In total, three calves were found with stab wounds and two sheep were fatally slashed between November 16 and 20.


Even though today’s “hipster witches” claim not to be involved in any kind of Satan worship, the fact remains that witchcraft is notoriously eclectic with witches engaging in everything from environmentalism and divination to black magic and Satanism. Once a person becomes involved in a dark art, on any level, they place themselves and those around them at enormous risk. This is because one never consorts with just a portion of evil. It’s always a “package deal” whether we believe this or not. Once the door is open, Satan and all of his dark powers enter in and manifest themselves at the time and in the manner of their choosing.

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