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US Bishops Call for Safe but Humane Immigration Policy

Even while recognizing the dangers of an open border, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a statement of pastoral concern calling upon the government to develop a humane immigration system that welcomes those seeking asylum.

In the statement issued by USCCB president Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, along with Bishop Mark J. Seitz, chairman of the Committee on Migration and Bishop Jaime Soto, chairman of the board for Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., they are calling upon the government to be fair in their treatment of immigrants.

“Compelled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and recognizing the inherent dignity of each person as a child of God, we stand in firm solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters who live and labor in these United States,” they state.

“From the founding of our nation, immigrants have been essential to this society’s growth and prosperity. They come to our shores as strangers, drawn by the promises this land offers, and they become Americans. They continue to provide food security, health services, and many other essential skills that support our prosperous nation.”

The bishops call for an immigration system that offers fair and generous pathways to full citizenship for immigrants who have been living and working for many years within the U.S, they state.

“We hope that our country can develop an effective asylum system for those fleeing persecution and an immigration system that keeps our borders safe and secure, with enforcement policies that focus on those who present risks and dangers to society, particularly efforts to reduce gang activity, stem the flow of drugs, and end human trafficking.”

They urge the government to develop an immigration system that protects vulnerable migrants and their families, many of whom have already been victimized by criminal actors.

The topic of immigration was a priority at the recent bishop’s fall meeting in Baltimore last week due to the election of former President Donald J. Trump to a second term of office. Trump’s campaign pledge to tighten the U.S.-Mexico border and begin a mass deportation program was of concern to the bishops who believe immigration could be the defining issue between the Church and the new Trump administration.

According to Angelus News, Archbishop Broglio received a round of applause for his opening address to the conference in which he declared the Church’s unstinting commitment to “see Christ in those who are most in need,” including “those who cross the country’s borders.”

“We certainly do not encourage illegal immigration, but we will all have to stand before the Throne of Grace and hear the Lord ask us if we saw him in the hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, stranger, or sick and responded to his needs,” Broglio said.

For now, Bishop Seitz told the press that he was taking a “wait-and-see” approach. “We are waiting to see just exactly what takes shape,” he said. “We know very often the reality is different than the rhetoric, and so we'll watch and respond as needed.”

The bishops concluded their statement by calling upon the faithful to speak out on behalf of the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” by demanding the humane treatment of our immigrant brothers and sisters.

“It is our hope, and our prayer, that all of us can work together to support a meaningful reform of our current immigration system.”

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