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What About the Prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy?

BL writes: "What does the Church say about the message of Maria Divine Mercy? Is she legit?" 

No, she is not. Maria Divine Mercy, who is believed to be Mary McGovern-Carberry, formerly operated website which contained over 850 messages which she claims came from Jesus. After the Archdiocese of Dublin officially condemned the messages in 2014, she was forced to shut down her operation.

Just for background, no one was supposed to know Maria's true identity because she claims Jesus told her not to reveal herself so as to protect her family and avoid distraction from the messages. She uses the term "Divine Mercy" in her name because the Warning that she is predicting is an act of Divine intervention by God that is meant to save the world.

There are numerous problems with Maria Divine Mercy and her messages which were explained in this article appearing in the National Catholic Register and written by apologist Jimmy Akin.

For instance, she claims that Pope Benedict XVI is the last pope and also asserts that she correctly prophesied that he would be forced from office. He will be replaced by an imposter who "will sit in pompous splendor in the Seat of Peter."

One can hardly assert that Francis is sitting in "pompous splendor" on the Seat of Peter. Here's a man who won't even live in the papal palace, has shirked the Papal limo for a Ford Focus and was known to ride the bus in his native Buenos Aires.

As for Benedict being forced from the papacy by a plot inside the Vatican, we can only believe this if we first believe that Benedict is a liar who told the world he was resigning for health reasons.

She also claims that the next "true" pope would be St. Peter who would reign from heaven, that a coming world religion is in our future as well as an earthly Millennium before the end of the world.

Akin calls these prophecies a "mishmash of other visionaries' material combined with Premillennial Protestant ideas (a form of what has historically been called 'milleniarianism')."

Maria also asserts that she was told by Jesus that she is the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by the Lamb, Jesus Christ. As He opens the seals, she is to publish them. He calls her the end-time prophet.

This is very problematic, especially because she is operating anonymously (as is her spiritual director). To be such an important messenger, she should be subjected to the same criticism and persecution as other authentic visionaries have had in the past.

"After all the prophets and visionaries of history who operated with people knowing their identities, with them and their families facing the consequences of delivering God's message, God wants 'the end time prophet' to operate safely and anonymously from the comfort of her living room, using an Internet connection to maintain her privacy?" Akin asks.

The bottom line is that Maria Divine Mercy "is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future," Akin concludes.

He goes on to further explain why adhering to her prophecies could result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism if one were to regard Pope Francis as a false pope and cease to obey him because of these messages.

This website contains a very comprehensive list of the false prophecies of this woman.

If this is not enough to dissuade one from following her and her messages, consider this  testimony by an exorcist named Father John Abberton about having to exorcise a woman who became involved in these messages.

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