The New York Post is reporting on the case involving a Manhattan woman named Hyosun Kim, 36, who was dating John Nwankwo Ikechim, 37, a neuroradiologist for about a month when she found an empty box of the emergency contraception Plan B in his trash.
Thinking that he might be cheating on her, she immediately confronted him. According to the suit, Ikechi “confessed that he was aware she would never have voluntarily agreed to take the Plan B pill and told her that this was the only way he could get her to ingest it."
Horrified by the deception, Kim immediately broke off the relationship and is now suing Ikechi for $5 million in emotional anguish.
“I can’t even fathom how violated she feels especially because he’s a doctor,” said Kim’s attorney, Christine Bae, to the Post.
Even though Kim wasn’t trying to conceive, her attorney says this suit isn’t about “whether she wanted to get pregnant or didn’t want to get pregnant.”
“He took that choice away from her. To me it’s almost like he performed an abortion without her knowing,” Bae said.
“What he’s done to her is irreparable. It’s really damaged her. It’s not something you forget,” Bae said.
According to the court papers, Ikechi “is a licensed medical doctor in the state of New York making his conduct all the more egregious, as any doctor … knows … that an individual cannot be forced to ingest medication without his or her consent.”
Plan B can act as an abortifacient by preventing implantation or survival of an embryo. It also comes with the risk of ectopic pregnancy and can interfere with other medications a woman might be taking. Like other oral contraceptives, Plan B is contraindicated in women with diabetes, breast cancer, liver problems, migraine headaches, heart disease or a history of heart disease, deep vein thrombosis or a history of deep vein thrombosis, and women over 35 who are smokers.
Ikechi declined to comment about the case.
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