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Women's Group Pleads for Life of Chinese Dissident

An international women's organization devoted to combating forced abortion and human trafficking has published an impassioned letter to President Barack Obama calling upon him to provide diplomatic protection for Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident and "warrior of women's rights" who recently escaped house arrest after opposing China's brutal one-child family planning program.

Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, has launched a global campaign to pressure the Obama Administration to protect Chen who has suffered extensively at the hands of the Chinese government for exposing their systematic use of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization to control their population.

Although the politically correct mainstream media in the U.S. offers few details about Chen's campaign to stop the brutal program, Littlejohn's website contains Chen's field notes in which he describes the brutal reality of coercive family planning in Linyi City, Shandong Province. The report contains extensive witness statements from cases Chen and his team were investigating prior to his arrest in 2006.

Called The Chen Guangcheng Report, it documents the atrocities and suffering being endured by the people of China, such as:

 a woman forcibly aborted and sterilized at seven months;  villagers sleeping in fields to evade Family Planning Officials;  Family Planning Officials who broke three brooms over the head of an elderly man;  Family Planning Officials who forced a grandmother and her brother to beat each other; and  The use of quota systems and the practice of “implication” – the detention, fining and torture of the extended family of One Child Policy “violators.”

Chen has suffered extensively for revealing the truth about the draconian policy that was responsible for 130,000 forced sterilizations in his town in just one year. He was imprisoned for more than four years for his activities and has been under house arrest since his release in September 2010. Last winter, Chen released a video describing the deplorable conditions of his house arrest which so angered officials that both he and his wife, Yuan Weijing, were "beaten senseless" the following day.

In her letter to President Obama, Littlejohn calls upon the president and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to offer diplomatic protection to Chen and his family.

"As Secretary Clinton meets with key leaders in Beijing this week, the moral credibility of the United States on the world stage hangs in the balance," she writes.

"Chen Guangcheng is the Gandhi of our time.  He is a man of inconceivable bravery.  Poor, blind, beaten and detained, he nevertheless possesses the surpassing backbone to stand alone against the crushing brutality of the communist regime.  He is the “Tank Man” against the One Child Policy.  He has done this on behalf of the women of China, who for thirty-two years have suffered the unspeakable torture of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization at the hands of the barbarous Chinese population control machine.  Chen Guangcheng is a warrior for women’s rights. . . .

"The entire world is watching.  Will you offer official protection to Chen, his family, and his key supporters who are now detained? Or will you continue to kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party for our economic advantage?  Inescapably, the choice you make will symbolize the character of our nation to the world."

She then calls upon the president to use all diplomatic means available to ensure Chen's safety, but also to support Chen in his request that the people who have been torturing and persecuting his family and followers be brought to justice.

"The American people – and the people of the world – cry out for freedom for Chen Guangcheng.  If you deliver him back into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, he will no doubt be imprisoned, tortured, possibly killed.  Would you use this noble man as a bargaining chip in trade talks?  To do so would be to sell the soul of our nation."

Click here to sign a petition to Chinese officials to set Chen free.

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