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YouTube Refuses to Pull Eucharistic Desecration Videos

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer Even after nearly 30,000 people petitioned YouTube to remove 43 videos depicting various acts of desecration of the Blessed Sacrament, the site refuses to pull the videos. According to America Needs Fatima (ANF), a lay organization dedicated to spreading the message of Fatima in the United States which is spearheading the campaign to have the videos removed, 28,692 people sent petitions to YouTube about the offensive videos. On October 1, the videos were removed but only temporarily. All have been reposted to the site. In the meantime, ANF reports that the site removed a video called “Welcome to Saudi Britain” which asked viewers to petition the British government not to accept Sharia (Islam) law in Britain. “YouTube removes an anti-Islam video, but keeps 43 videos showing desecration of the Holy Eucharist in horrible ways -- one was flushed down the toilet!” writes Robert Ritchie, executive director of ANF. What should we do in response? “Besides expanding our YouTube protest, it’s time to appeal to a higher court: to God in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,” Ritchie says. “That's why I'm doing an act of reparation in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Will you join me?” The intention is to do reparation for the 43 desecrations depicted on YouTube and for all the sacrileges committed against the Blessed Sacrament.   Ritchie is also recommending a four-point action plan to protest the Host desecration videos on YouTube:   1) Go to user fsmdude (person who posted the videos) YouTube channel and flag all his videos. Right under the video window is the link to FLAG. Next choose “hateful or Abusive Content.” Next Choose the sub-section – “promotes hatred or violence.”   Next choose “Religion” as the “group attacked.” Next type in your specific reason, such as "he is desecrating what Catholics hold sacred. YouTube just removed an anti-Sharia video, so why the double standard?”   2) Call YouTube (Google owns YouTube). Dial 650-253-0000, then press 0 for a live person. Tell them, in polite yet firm terms, how upset you are with the 43 desecration videos posted by user fsmdude. Ask them to remove his videos and pledge never to allow such videos again.   3) Send a fax to YouTube/Google 650-253-0001 telling them, in polite yet firm terms, how upset you are with the 43 desecration videos posted by user fsmdude. Ask them to remove his videos and pledge never to allow such videos again.   4) Pass on this 4 point action plan to all your friends and family members. In numbers there is strength.   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.