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Tea Party Protests Taking Off Across U.S.

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   Citizens fed up with the Obama Administration’s use of trillions of taxpayer dollars to fund massive pork-infested “stimulus” plans participated in more than 40 “tea party” protests across the nation this past weekend. Plans for a nationwide April 15 Tax Day Tea Party are already underway.  The idea for the “tea parties” came from a spontaneous rant by CNBC Analyst Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange last week who called for a new “tea party” to protest the president’s spending plans. Santelli’s remarks made him an instant celebrity on YouTube and sparked like-minded citizens across the nation to make sure their voices are heard. As a result, thousands of people organized protests in cities from Boston to San Diego last weekend, carrying creative signage with messages such as “Pork, the new red meat”, “Honk if you want to pay my mortgage” and “Obamanomics: Chains we can believe in.” Organizers say we haven’t seen the last of these protests. "We'll do this every chance we get until Congress repeals the pork, or we retire them from public life,” said Bill Hennessy of Ballwin, Missouri who organized a large protest in 35 degree weather in St. Louis on Friday. "I want the president and the Congress to know that they're spending too much money," said Stefanie Huffaker to the Detroit Free Press. Ms. Huffaker attended a tea party in Lansing, Michigan along with her nine-year-old daughter. WorldNetDaily reports that more tea parties will be taking place across the U.S. over the next few months. For instance, Floridians Unite is planning a tea party for March 21 in Orlando. "This will be a peaceful rally to unite our voices and express the love that we have for our great nation and the principles it was founded on," states the Floridians Unite website. "We want to make our politicians hear loud and clear that we are tired of the bailouts, the wasteful Washington spending and the push towards the socialization of this country! . . . We want our constitutional rights preserved and protected, not trampled on!" Organizers in Pittsburgh are planning a reenactment of the original Boston Tea Party on April 11 and are asking everyone to bring one tea bag to Point State Park where they will toss the tea into the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio Rivers. On the national level, efforts are underway to coordinate a host of April 15 Tax Day Tea Parties across the nation. A new website has been set up by several grass roots organizations to help protestors advertise their rallies. Information on The Tax Day Tea Party can be found at © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.