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STOP Sebelius Campaign Underway

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A campaign is underway by one of the nation’s largest pro-life groups to raise strong opposition to President Barack Obama's nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary - the pro-abortion Catholic governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius. "The American people will not stand for Sebelius’ disturbing and radical record of promoting abortion on demand," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League (ALL). "Sebelius, governor of Kansas - the late-term abortion capital of the world - is a threat to the health and well-being of our country and her appointment must be stopped." Sebelius' record of unflinching support for abortion on demand has even led her to defend and even entertain notorious Kansas abortionist Dr. George Tiller – now on trial for performing illegal late-term abortions – at the governor's mansion. "Sebelius, Obama's latest appointee has been using her high office to defend and promote one of the bloodiest, most lawless abortionists in the nation. Yet Obama thinks this woman should be in charge of American health and human services! What an insult to the people of this great nation, born and preborn," Brown said. ALL is asking the pro-life community and all “right-thinking Americans” to confront this grave threat to the health and welfare of the nation by signing the STOP Sebelius petition. "President Obama's appointment of  Gov. Sebelius for HHS Secretary is rock solid proof our new president has no concern for the health of Americans," the petition reads. "Rather, Obama's modus operandi has and will continue to be full-scale attack on the personhood of the weak, disabled and preborn." The petition can be found at © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.