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Parents Beware! HBO Show Sexualizes Children

In yet another example of the growing trend of sexualizing children in television, HBO is now airing Angry Boys, an Australian "mockumentary" that showed a young girl drinking out of a pink penis-shaped cup on a recent episode.

According to the Culture and Media Institute (CMI) of the Media Research Center, the new show is being promoted on "edgier" cable entertainment outlets as an "outrageous comedy" that some say is going too far.

For instance, in Episode 12, a young girl is shown drinking out of cup shaped like a penis.

"The incident is meant to be comedic. But showing a young girl sucking on a penis in a comedic fashion is akin to showing child pornography," CMI reports. 

They go on to say that "penis humor" is a major premise of Angry Boys.

Out Magazine reports that one show featured a Japanese mother exploiting her teenage son "to create a merchandising empire of cock shaped products."

This isn't the first time the show's director, Chris Lilley, has been under fire for his work. He directed another controversial show, Summer Heights High, which appeared on HBO in 2008. Lilley recently told the Los Angeles Times that he "kind of enjoys provoking people."

Not even the shock-proof secular media is impressed with Lilley's latest show. While steering clear of the controversy surrounding the show, USA Today called the show "even less politically correct" than his previous work.

As the CMI points out, "running a foul program is consistent with HBO’s general marketing plan." This is the same network that carries the frequently blasphemous Real Time with Bill Maher and the sex-filled vampire show, True Blood among its offerings.

But exploiting children for ratings, even in a comedy, is beyond the pale for most and many consider it to be contributing to the sexualization of children much like the TLC hit, Toddlers and Tiaras

As CMI states: "Promoting child pornography in a comedic way is much more shocking and outrageous than funny."

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