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Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election

A new study by the Pew Research Center has found that while both President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney are receiving mostly negative coverage from a variety of news outlets, mainstream media sources such as ABC, NBC and CBS show an overwhelming bias in favor of the president.

The study, which looked at nearly 800 stories from 50 major news outlets, found that overall coverage of President Obama's record and character have been 72 percent negative with Governor Romney coming in right behind him at 71 percent.

But the mainstream media coverage was a far different story. According to Pew, "42% of the character narrative" about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.

On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

"The mainstream media's bias against Republicans is obvious, and that is why they focused on issues that have nothing to do with the economy to protect Obama," writes Breitbart's Tony Lee.

"Pew's findings are significant even if they are obvious to conservatives. This data will force the mainstream media to see evidence of their biases, documented by an organization the mainstream media reveres and holds in high esteem. "

But it will make them be more fair? Probably not. At least not in this election cycle. Newsbusters (NB) reports that even though many sectors of the American economy have changed allegiances in this presidential race, one industry has stood firmly behind the president - the media.

"All the major media companies, driven largely by their Hollywood film and television businesses, have made larger contributions to President Obama than to his rival, former Gov. Mitt Romney, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit, nonpartisan Washington-based research group that publishes the Open Secrets Web site," reports NB's Matthew Sheffield. 

The good news is that the growth of new media sources of news, the biased journalism of the mainstream media is having much less of an impact on the character narratives of presidential candidates, which will allow the citizenry to make decisions that are much better informed.

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