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Christian Reality Show Focuses on Post-Abortion Recovery

January 22, 2013, not only marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, but it was the date selected to launch a new Christian reality show that tells the real-life abortion stories of five women and follows them through post-abortion recovery.

Surrender the Secret is a heart-wrenching television series premiering on Knock TV  that follows five brave post-abortive women on a journey of healing who use an eight session Bible study specifically written for women who have had an abortion.

"With an estimated 43% of women in the United States having had an abortion, and over 54,000,000 babies aborted since the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973, the number of women suffering with their abortion secret is staggering," the site explains.

"Over the ten episodes of this first-of-a-kind Christian reality TV series, the women form a close bond and trust each other as they open up and share their darkest secret, and how it has affected their lives. Surrender the Secret shows their amazing transformation, spiritually, emotionally and even physically, coming from the pain and shame of having an abortion in their past, releasing their anger, receiving forgiveness and finding peace in God’s love and grace."

Pro-life activist Jill Stanek said it was "totally surreal to watch a reality show focused not on Hollywood’s version of reality – Snooki, Kim, and The Donald – but on the secret reality of millions of women: abortion. Surrender the Secret will help countless women who have been too afraid to analyze the consequences of their abortion, either alone or with others."

Stanek extends "mega kudos" to the brave mothers and facilitator who allowed themselves to be filmed during this heartwrenching experience.

Click here to watch the first episode!

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