Blog Post

Will Boy Scouts Cave to Bullies?

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann

Even though the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have proudly held firm to their Christian beliefs over the years, the organization is showing signs of cracking under pressure from homosexual activists who want to infiltrate the group as scout leaders.

The Family Research Council (FRC) is reporting that BSA officials may be rethinking their position against allowing homosexuals to serve as scout leaders. The BSA says that it is "discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation."

FRC president Tony Perkins says the group has thus far been successful in withstanding constant bullying by homosexual activists, but is seriously considering a change.

"A departure from their long-held policies would be devastating to an organization that has prided itself on the development of character in boys," Perkins writes. "In fact, according to a recent Gallup survey, only 42 percent of Americans support changing the policy to allow homosexual scout leaders."

As the BSA board meets next week, Perkins says it is crucial that board members hear from the public who want them to hold to their current policy regarding homosexuality.

He is urging everyone to "Please call the Boy Scouts of America at 972-580-2000 and tell them that you want to see the organization stand firm in its moral values and respect the right of parents to discuss these sexual topics with their children."

When I phoned this number it rang nearly a dozen times before an operator picked up. I was then put on hold for several minutes before being able to express my opposition to a policy change. I asked the representative who finally took my call if they were getting a lot of calls and received a very boisterous, "Yes ma'am!"

Even with all the delays, the phone call only took a few minutes. Call 972-580-2000 today!

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