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House-of-Horrors Staffers Receive Their Sentences

Members of the staff of convicted Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who agreed to testify against him in exchange for lighter sentences, are receiving sentences ranging from 23 months in prison to probation.

Breitbart is reporting that Pearl Gosnell, the 52 year-old wife of Kermit Gosnell, was sentenced to serve between seven and 23 months in prison for her role in her husband's abortion clinic. She was convicted on charges of racketeering and performing illegal abortions. Her sentence was reduced after spending two years under house arrest.

Mrs. Gosnell has expressed bitterness and anger at her husband, who is now serving three consecutive life terms after being convicted on several counts of first-degree murder of born-alive infants, the involuntary manslaughter of a patient by overdose, and hundreds of lesser charges.

Pearl, who said her husband always told her the abortions he was performing were legal,  was also the lone assistant to her husband on Sundays when the doctor performed that latest term abortions. She claimed her role was to “do the instruments” in the operating room even though she had not medical training.

Mrs. Gosnell also participated in an illegal, late-term abortion on a 14 year-old girl who was in her 31st week of pregnancy in 2007 that resulted in injuries that may have rendered the teen infertile for life.

“I am the wife of Kermit Gosnell and I’m not happy about that now,” she said in court. “I’m sorry for my part in this horror.”

She is particularly bitter about the fact that her husband rejected a plea deal to serve a life term on both the drug and murder charges in exchange for sparing his wife prison time and saving the family home where she lives with her 15 year-old daughter and 21 year-old son.

"By choosing the cowardly way, my husband has left me to make the apologies," Gosnell told a judge. "My husband is in jail forever, which is where he should be."

Common Pleas Judge Benjamin Lerner was not moved.

"You chose to be his partner in life. And you chose to be his partner in this operation masquerading as a medical facility," the judge told her, then sentenced her to 23 months in jail with the chance of parole at seven months.

Mrs. Gosnell's defense lawyer, Michael Medway, also chastised the doctor for the selfish choices he made after his arrest. "Being the selfish, inconsiderate person that he is ... he decided to go to trial. . . . He left his family essentially hanging out to dry."

Other staffers were also sentenced this week for their role in the clinic's depraved operations.

Elizabeth Hampton, Gosnell's sister-in-law, received probation for her role in the clinic. As Life News reports, she was in charge of disposing the large bottle on the suction machine that would fill with blood and fetal remains. She would pour the blood and baby parts into the sink and grind them up using the garbage disposal.

Hampton was also very much involved in the death of Karnamaya Mongar who died after being given an overdose of painkillers and anesthesia at the clinic.

However, her courageous testimony against Gosnell won her praise from the judge and a significantly lighter sentence.

Adrienne Moton, another staffer who admitted to killing a baby who was born alive in a toilet, was set free after serving 28 months in prison. Moton's testimony was particularly damaging to Gosnell and she did not hide her intense remorse over her role in the clinic's illegal activities.

"I don't feel I got arrested," the 36 year-old told the court. "I feel I got rescued."

In addition to apologizing for her crimes, Moton admitted that the snipping of baby's spines now "bothers me to my soul".

The sentencing of 43 year-old staffer Lynda Williams has been postponed due to her role in a federal narcotics case against her former employer. Williams, who has only an 8th grade education, was the staffer who administered the overdose of medication to Mrs. Mongar which resulted in her death. She also admitted to snipping the spin of one of the babies Gosnell was charged with murdering.

The sentencing of staffers Sherry West, 53 and Tina Baldwin, 47 have also been postponed due to unresolved drug charges.

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