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Priest Exorcises Home of Olivia Newton-John

Grease super-star Olivia Newton-John arranged for a priest to exorcise her Florida mansion after a contractor killed himself inside the house.

The Daily Mail is reporting that 41 year-old Christopher Pariseleti died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the home of Newtown-John last month. Pariseleti, a married father of two, was apparently experiencing financial woes and killed himself shortly after being refused a loan by Newtown-John. He chose to commit suicide on the property in order to disrupt the sale of the house, which is currently on the market.

The incident has indeed cast a pall over the sale of the home with a local realtor saying: "Unfortunately there is a grim notoriety to the house and people are put off by that. Whoever buys the home will always know that someone blew their brains out in there. It is not the nicest housewarming present."

Controversial comedienne Rosie O'Donnell was apparently interested in buying the home but backed out when she heard about the grisly suicide that took place inside.

This prompted Newton-John, now 64, to fly in a Catholic priest to perform what is being described as an exorcism of the house in order to rid it of the spirit of the deceased.

In reality, the spirit of the deceased has long since been judged and sentenced by the Lord, and because there is no record of disturbances in the house, the exorcism appears to have been done to reassure potential buyers.

But many people are wondering, can a house be exorcised?

According to Rome exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth, it can, and he has personally done so by adapting prayers from the Ritual of Exorcism.

"The Ritual includes about ten prayers asking the Lord to protect places from evil influences," he writes in his book, An Exorcist Tells His Story. "They include the blessing of homes, schools and other buildings. We intone a few of these prayers. Then we read the first part of the first exorcism of individuals, modifying it to address a building. Next we exorcise every room, just as though it were a normal house blessing. Following this, we make another round, this time with blessed incense. We end with other prayers. After the exorcism, it is very efficacious to celebrate a Mass in the home." (An Exorcist Tells His Story, pg. 125)

One exorcism is usually sufficient "if the disturbances are slight", Fr. Amorth says.

Again, we have no idea if there were any disturbances in the home because Newton-John and her husband, John Easterling, were no longer living there.

Newton-John, who claims to be Christian, believes that music has the power to heal the body, mind and spirit. One of her albums, Grace and Gratitude, contains songs that correspond to Hindu chakras as well as the Sacraments of the Church.

"I hope these songs will help you to take time out of your busy life for relaxation or meditation," Olivia states in the album sleeve. "I believe that all human beings are connected, like pearls on a chain. We have in common the search for peace, love and compassion. It is my hope that we can accept and respect each other's (faith) traditions, no matter what our personal beliefs. This is my intention - to make music that helps to heal the heart and connect us to each other. On my own journey, I have been helped most by an attitude of appreciation. Life, with all its ups and downs, is a gift of grace that I accept with gratitude."