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New Age Guru to Run for Congress

Marianne Williamson, a so-called "spiritual leader" who teaches the occult-based A Course in Miracles, has announced plans to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in California's 33rd District.

According to, Williamson announced on Sunday that she is running as an Independent for the seat currently held by pro-abortion Democrat Henry Waxman.

Her New Age background comes to the surface in some of her campaign rhetoric, such as the theme of her campaign, which is "Create Anew". She also writes on her campaign website that she and Waxman aren't opponents, they're just different candidates vying for the same position. She claims to want to bring about "a new consciousness regarding our political discourse."

Calling herself "an internationally acclaimed author, lecturer and thought leader" on her official bio, she is careful to list every accomplishment EXCEPT her rather stellar New Age background.

For instance, Williamson hosted Oprah Winfrey's year-long expose of A Course in Miracles, more popularly known as the "New Age Bible." Riddled with heretical treatments of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the doctrine of salvation, the Course was written by Helen Schucman who claimed to be "channeling" Jesus Christ.  Williamson wrote her own book about it under the deceptive title, A Return to Love.

The Houston born Williamson describes herself as having explored many careers, including “cocktail waitress and lounge singer” before she began giving lectures on A Course in Miracles to small groups in the Los Angeles area in the 1980’s. She later became a New Thought minister with a church in Warren, Michigan.

I was not entirely surprised to find that other than her book titles, none of this information is included in the bio that appears on her campaign website. We can only hope that reporters do some homework on this candidate and ask her some serious questions about her belief system which is hardly in tandem with the majority of U.S. citizens.

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