Blog Post

Christian Boy Mocked and Told to “Kill Yourself” on YouTube

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A 12 year-old Christian boy who posted his views on same-sex marriage on YouTube has received thousands of comments by people attacking his faith and sexuality. One comment even told him to “Kill Christianity, and then kill yourself.” According to a report appearing on, the boy, identified only as Scott, has posted 13 videos on YouTube that garnered nearly one million hits over the last few weeks. However, his video “Gay Marriage – Is It Right or Wrong?” generated over 11,000 mostly negative comments, many laced with profanity. One commenter wrote: "How do you know the Bible isn't full of lies? You, just like everyone who is against gay marriage, is a mentally retarded bigot. . . ." Thousands of others have simply slammed the boy by calling him a "homo" or making comments like the one from chao129: "You are against gay marriage because you are a fag in denial." Scott, who goes by the name ChristianU2ber online, proudly says: "I am a Christian, and I love to upload videos that teach you what Christianity is all about." In reaction to the criticism, Scott ChristianU2uber crafted a response to what he called "hateful comments" made about his videos.   "Before you put another mean comment on one of my videos, I just want you to stop and take a second to listen to yourself," says ChristianU2uber. "A lot of people are putting bad words and really mean comments on my videos, and I really don't like it; it makes me sad. I work hard because on YouTube I want to be informative and I want to teach people that there is a God and to make this world a better place." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.