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Catholic Theater Group Offers Alternative to Vulgar Play

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A Catholic theater company is offering a life-affirming alternative to the vulgar and controversial play The Vagina Monologues that is shown on so many college campuses throughout the nation. The new play, The Vitae Monologues: The Monologues of Life, which debuted at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota last month, presents compelling true stories of post-abortion trauma and healing. The VITAE Monologues is a 2-person drama created by Epiphany Studies Productions, a Catholic traveling theater. The drama is based on true stories of women and men who have experienced the difficult reality of post-abortion trauma as well as the healing that's possible after abortion. Featuring international performers Jeremy Stanbary and Sarah Preissner, it also includes an original music score from composer and musician Nicholas Lemme. Epiphany Studies was founded by Jeremy Stanbary in 2003 as means of combining his passion and love for the Catholic Faith with his passion and talent as an actor. He has performed for thousands in the United States as well as at World Youth Day in Australia and Germany. “The inspiration and basis for our work is rooted in the writings of Pope John Paul II, primarily his dramatic and artistic vision, the theological and philosophical Tradition of the Catholic Church, the rich Catholic cultural heritage, and the tremendous real life examples of the saints,” Stanbary says.  His latest endeavor, The VITAE Monologues is non-political and attempts to present the controversial issue of abortion from a new and more realistic perspective. “I walked out of the auditorium feeling like I'd been turned inside out,” said one audience member after seeing the play. “I was wiping away tears. This is a powerful play, but the word 'Play' doesn't fit. This is drama. These are real stories from real people. They will speak to everyone who sees The VITAE Monologues.” As for The Vagina Monologues, which glorify homosexuality and promiscuity, The Cardinal Newman Society recently reported that 15 Catholic campuses were holding productions in 2009, down from a high of 32 in 2003. A trend that will hopefully continue as The VITAE Monologues debuts in Catholic colleges across the country. For more information, or to book The VITAE Monologues at your College campus or parish, contact Tina Remmert of The Maximus Group at 678-990-9032 Ext. 107 or or visit © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.